--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+use tests_common;
+use Data::Dumper;
+# Configuration variables defined in tests_common
+# Make sure those are updated/set correctly..
+# $api_base
+# $api_key
+# Further variables defined in tests_common:
+# $invalid_key
+# $test_username
+# $test_password
+# $invalid_username
+my ($data, $temp, $test_number_start, $test_alias, $test_e164alias, $test_domain, $test_remote_domain);
+our $test_alias = "testalias-" . int(rand(255));
+$test_e164alias .= int(rand(255))
+ while ( length( $test_e164alias ) < 8 );
+$test_e164alias = '+47' . substr( $test_e164alias, 0, 8 );
+isa_ok( $g_ua, 'LWP::UserAgent', '$g_ua');
+isa_ok( $g_ua->cookie_jar, 'HTTP::Cookies', '$g_ua->cookies');
+# First: fetch a supported domain from the API...
+$data = exec_apinode("domain/list", undef);
+ok($data, 'domain/list JSON decode');
+is( $data->{'response'}, 'ok', 'domain/list result');
+ok($data->{'list'}, 'domain/list array');
+# NOW: Set the $test_domain to something useful (i.e. the first reported domain)
+$test_domain = $data->{'list'}[0];
+$test_remote_domain = "external." . $test_domain;
+ok($test_domain, 'test_domain set.');
+ok($test_remote_domain, 'test_remote_domain set.');
+undef $data;
+$data = exec_apinode("user/available", { "user" => $test_username . "\@" . $test_domain });
+is( $data->{'response'}, 'ok', 'user/available is available');
+undef $data;
+$data = exec_apinode("user/add_local", {
+ "user" => $test_username . "\@" . $test_domain,
+ "displayname" => "Automatic testing",
+ "email" => "noreply\@" . $test_domain,
+} );
+is( $data->{'response'}, 'ok', 'user/add_local created new account');
+$data = exec_apinode("alias/list", undef);
+is( $data->{'response'}, 'ok', 'alias/list result');
+ok($data->{'aliases'}, 'alias/list array');
+undef $data;
+$data = exec_apinode("alias/add", {
+ 'alias' => $test_alias . "\@" . $test_domain,
+ 'destination' => $test_username . "\@" . $test_domain,
+is( $data->{'response'}, 'ok', 'alias/add result');
+ok( $data->{'destination'}, 'alias/add destination');
+ok( $data->{'alias'}, 'alias/add alias');
+undef $data;
+$data = exec_apinode("alias/add", {
+ 'alias' => $test_alias . "\@" . $test_domain,
+ 'destination' => $test_username . "\@" . $test_domain,
+is( $data->{'response'}, 'failed', 'alias/add for existing alias result');
+undef $data;
+$data = exec_apinode("alias/add", {
+ 'alias' => $test_e164alias . "\@" . $test_domain,
+ 'destination' => $test_username . "\@" . $test_domain,
+is( $data->{'response'}, 'ok', 'alias/add e164 result');
+ok( $data->{'destination'}, 'alias/add destination');
+ok( $data->{'alias'}, 'alias/add alias');
+undef $data;
+$data = exec_apinode("alias/list", { 'destination' => $test_username . "\@" . $test_domain });
+is( $data->{'response'}, 'ok', 'alias/list w/destination result');
+ok($data->{'aliases'}, 'alias/list w/destination array');
+undef $data;
+$data = exec_apinode("alias/list", { 'destination' => $test_username . "\@" . $test_domain });
+is( $data->{'response'}, 'ok', 'alias/list w/e164 result');
+ok($data->{'aliases'}, 'alias/list w/e164 array');
+ok($data->{'aliases'}[0]->{'destination'}, 'alias/list w/e164 destination');
+undef $data;
+$data = exec_apinode("alias/remove", {
+ 'alias' => $test_alias . "\@" . $test_domain,
+is( $data->{'response'}, 'ok', 'alias/remove result');
+ok( $data->{'alias'}, 'alias/remove alias');
+undef $data;
+$data = exec_apinode("alias/remove", {
+ 'alias' => $test_e164alias . "\@" . $test_domain,
+is( $data->{'response'}, 'ok', 'alias/remove e164 result');
+ok( $data->{'alias'}, 'alias/remove alias');
+undef $data;
+$data = exec_apinode("user/remove", { "user" => $test_username . "\@" . $test_domain });
+is( $data->{'response'}, 'ok', 'user/remove deleted user');
+undef $data;
+$data = exec_apinode("alias/add", {
+ 'alias' => $test_username . "\@" . $test_domain,
+ 'destination' => $test_alias . "\@" . $test_domain,
+is( $data->{'response'}, 'failed', 'alias/add for existing user result');
+undef $data;