my $help;
my $username;
my $configfile = undef;
+my $remove = 0;
my $dryrun = 0;
my ($g_ua, $session, $api_key, $auth_key, $data, $domain);
my ($user, $sipuser, $mac);
"macaddress=s" => \$mac,
"username=s" => \$username,
"configfile=s" => \$configfile,
+ "remove" => \$remove,
"dryrun" => \$dryrun,
+ --remove|-r
Verify the contents of the configuration file.
+if ( $remove )
+ $data = exec_apinode("phone/get", { 'user' => $sipuser, 'mac' => $mac });
+ if ( not $data->{'response'} eq 'ok' )
+ {
+ printf("Unable to remove phone+user, lookup gave: '%s'\n", $data->{'cause'});
+ logout();
+ exit;
+ }
if ( $dryrun ) {
print("Dryrun specified. All OK so far, stopping before add.\n");
+if ( $remove )
+ $data = exec_apinode("phone/remove", { 'user' => $sipuser, 'mac' => $mac });
-$data = exec_apinode("phone/add", { 'user' => $sipuser, 'mac' => $mac });
+ printf("Failed to remove phone+user, cause given: '%s'\n", $data->{'cause'})
+ if ( not $data->{'response'} eq 'ok' );
-printf("Failed to add phone+user, cause given: '%s'\n", $data->{'cause'})
- if ( not $data->{'response'} eq 'ok' );
+ printf("Removed assigned phone with mac '%s' from user '%s'\n", $mac, $sipuser)
+ if ( $data->{'response'} eq 'ok' );
+ $data = exec_apinode("phone/add", { 'user' => $sipuser, 'mac' => $mac });
-printf("Assigned phone with mac '%s' to user '%s'\n", $mac, $sipuser)
- if ( $data->{'response'} eq 'ok' );
+ printf("Failed to add phone+user, cause given: '%s'\n", $data->{'cause'})
+ if ( not $data->{'response'} eq 'ok' );
+ printf("Assigned phone with mac '%s' to user '%s'\n", $mac, $sipuser)
+ if ( $data->{'response'} eq 'ok' );
sub exec_apinode($$)
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Net::LDAP;
+use Net::LDAP::Control::Paged;
+use Net::LDAP::Constant qw( LDAP_CONTROL_PAGED );
+use LWP;
+use JSON;
+use AppConfig;
+my $api_key;
+my $help;
+my $username;
+my $configfile = undef;
+my $remove = 0;
+my $dryrun = 0;
+my ($g_ua, $session, $api_key, $auth_key, $data, $domain);
+my ($user, $sipuser, $mac);
+my $config = AppConfig->new({ CREATE => 1 });
+foreach (
+ "/usr/local/etc/hermes/hermes_config",
+ "/usr/local/etc/hermes/config",
+ "/etc/hermes/config",
+ $ENV{"HOME"} . "/.hermes/config",
+ $ENV{"HOME"} . "/.hermes_config",
+) { $configfile = $_ if ( -f $_ ); }
+ "help" => \$help,
+ "macaddress=s" => \$mac,
+ "username=s" => \$username,
+ "configfile=s" => \$configfile,
+if (
+ (( $configfile ) && ( not -f $configfile ))
+ $help = 1;
+$config->file( $configfile );
+if ( ( not $config->api_url ) ||
+ ( not $config->api_keyfile ) ||
+ ( $config->api_keyfile && not -f $config->api_keyfile ) )
+ $help = 1;
+if ( $help ) {
+print <<END_HELP;
+WARNING: This tool assumes that only one domain
+is registered with Kamailio. For Multidomain-setup,
+this tool must be rewritten!
+Verify that the following options are set:
+ --configfile=s|--config|-c
+ --macaddress=s|--mac|-m
+Verify the contents of the configuration file.
+Verify that the key-file exists.
+exit; }
+open KEY, "<" . $config->api_keyfile;
+chomp( $api_key = <KEY> );
+close KEY;
+if ( $mac )
+ # Do stuff to the MAC adress.
+ $mac =~ s/[:-]//g if ( $mac =~ m/((?:[0-9a-f]{2}[:-]){5}[0-9a-f]{2})/i);
+ $mac = lc $mac;
+ if ( not $mac =~ m/^[a-f0-9]{12}/ )
+ {
+ printf("Malformed MAC adress.\n");
+ exit;
+ }
+$g_ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+$g_ua->cookie_jar({}); # In-memory jar, look at HTTP::Cookies for persistant
+# First: fetch a supported domain from the API...
+$data = exec_apinode("domain/list", undef);
+if ( $data->{'response'} eq 'ok' )
+ $domain = $data->{'list'}[0];
+ printf("Unable to get domain name. Aborting\n");
+ logout();
+ exit;
+$data = exec_apinode("phone/list", undef );
+if ( not $data->{'response'} eq 'ok' )
+ printf("Failed to query list of phones. Aborting\n");
+ logout();
+ exit;
+my $t = $data->{'list'};
+my @phones = @$t;
+foreach my $p ( @phones )
+ $data = undef;
+ $data = exec_apinode("phone/get", { 'mac' => $p });
+ if ( $data->{'response'} eq 'ok' )
+ {
+ my $t = $data->{'list'};
+ my @users = @$t;
+ foreach my $u ( @users )
+ {
+ printf("%-24s%-24s\n", $p, $u);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("%-24s-24s\n", $p, "unassigned");
+ }
+sub exec_apinode($$)
+ my $node = shift;
+ my $param = shift;
+ my ( $response, $data );
+ $session = "" if not defined $session;
+ $auth_key = "" if not defined $auth_key;
+ my $url = $config->api_url . "/" . $node;
+ $param->{'session'} = $session;
+ $param->{'auth_key'} = $auth_key;
+ $response = $g_ua->post( $url, $param );
+ if ( $response->is_success )
+ {
+ if ( $response->content =~ m/\s*{/ )
+ {
+ $data = decode_json( $response->content);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $data = $response->content;
+ }
+ }
+ return $data;
+sub login_apikey
+ my $response = $g_ua->post( $config->api_url . "/auth/login",
+ [ "api_key" => $api_key ] );
+ my $data = decode_json( $response->content) if $response->is_success;
+ die("HTTP error") unless $response->is_success;
+ if ( $data->{'response'} eq "ok" )
+ {
+ $session = $data->{'session'};
+ $auth_key = $data->{'auth_key'};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "Unable to log in to Hermes API\n";
+ exit;
+ }
+ undef $data; undef $response;
+sub logout
+ my $response = $g_ua->post( $config->api_url . "/auth/logout",
+ [ "session" => $session ] );
+ die("HTTP error") unless $response->is_success;
+ undef $session; undef $auth_key;
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+#TODO: Add support for assigning phone number
+#TODO: Add support for overriding default domain ...
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Net::LDAP;
+use Net::LDAP::Control::Paged;
+use Net::LDAP::Constant qw( LDAP_CONTROL_PAGED );
+use LWP;
+use JSON;
+use AppConfig;
+use Text::Iconv;
+use Data::Dumper;
+my $utf2iso = Text::Iconv->new("utf-8","latin1");
+my $api_key;
+my $help;
+my $username;
+my $configfile = undef;
+my $dryrun = 0;
+my ($g_ua, $session, $api_key, $auth_key, $data, $domain);
+my ($user, $displayname, $phone, $mail, $sipuser, $linetext);
+my $config = AppConfig->new({ CREATE => 1 });
+foreach (
+ "/usr/local/etc/hermes/hermes_config",
+ "/usr/local/etc/hermes/config",
+ "/etc/hermes/config",
+ $ENV{"HOME"} . "/.hermes/config",
+ $ENV{"HOME"} . "/.hermes_config",
+) { $configfile = $_ if ( -f $_ ); }
+ "help" => \$help,
+ "username=s" => \$username,
+ "configfile=s" => \$configfile,
+if (
+ (not $username) ||
+ (not $configfile) ||
+ (( $configfile ) && ( not -f $configfile ))
+ $help = 1;
+$config->file( $configfile );
+if ( ( not $config->api_url ) ||
+ ( not $config->api_keyfile ) ||
+ ( not $config->default_domain ) ||
+ ( $config->api_keyfile && not -f $config->api_keyfile )
+ $help = 1;
+if ( $help ) {
+print <<END_HELP;
+Verify that the following options are set:
+ --configfile=s|--conf|-c path to hermes_config
+ --username=s|--user|-u username, in 'user' or 'user\' form
+Verify the contents of the configuration file.
+Verify that the key-file exists.
+exit; }
+open KEY, "<" . $config->api_keyfile;
+chomp( $api_key = <KEY> );
+close KEY;
+$g_ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+$g_ua->cookie_jar({}); # In-memory jar, look at HTTP::Cookies for persistant
+$username = $username . "@" . $config->default_domain if ( not $username =~ m/\w\@\w/ );
+$data = exec_apinode("user/get", { 'user' => $username });
+if ( not $data->{'response'} eq 'ok' )
+ printf("Unable to fetch user: %s\n", $data->{'cause'});
+ exit;
+my $user = $data->{'user'};
+printf("Subscriber....: %s\n", $username);
+printf("Displayname...: %s\n", $user->{'displayname'});
+printf("E-mail........: %s\n", $user->{'email'});
+printf("Auth username.: %s\n", $user->{'authid'});
+printf("Auth password.: %s\n", $user->{'password'});
+printf("Domain........: %s\n", $user->{'domain'});
+printf("Registrar.....: %s\n", $user->{'registrar'});
+printf("Proxy.........: %s\n", $user->{'proxy'});
+printf("Permissions...: %s\n", $user->{'permittedcalls'});
+my $alias_data = exec_apinode("alias/list", { 'destination' => $username });
+if ( $alias_data->{'response'} eq 'ok' )
+ #print Dumper($alias_data);
+ my $count = 0;
+ my $t = $alias_data->{'aliases'};
+ foreach my $a ( sort {lc $a->{'alias'} cmp lc $b->{'alias'}} @$t )
+ {
+ printf("\t\t%s\n", $a->{'alias'});
+ $count++;
+ }
+ printf("\t\t None\n") if ( $count < 1 );
+ printf("\t\t None\n");
+my $phone_data = exec_apinode("phone/get", { 'user' => $username });
+if ( $phone_data->{'response'} eq 'ok' )
+ my $t = $phone_data->{'list'};
+ my $count = 0;
+ foreach my $p ( @$t )
+ {
+ printf("\t\t%s\n", $p );
+ $count++;
+ }
+ printf("\t\t None\n") if ( $count < 1 );
+ printf("\t None\n");
+undef $data;
+sub exec_apinode($$)
+ my $node = shift;
+ my $param = shift;
+ my ( $response, $data );
+ $session = "" if not defined $session;
+ $auth_key = "" if not defined $auth_key;
+ my $url = $config->api_url . "/" . $node;
+ $param->{'session'} = $session;
+ $param->{'auth_key'} = $auth_key;
+ $response = $g_ua->post( $url, $param );
+ if ( $response->is_success )
+ {
+ if ( $response->content =~ m/\s*{/ )
+ {
+ $data = decode_json( $response->content);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $data = $response->content;
+ }
+ }
+ return $data;
+sub login_apikey
+ my $response = $g_ua->post( $config->api_url . "/auth/login",
+ [ "api_key" => $api_key ] );
+ my $data = decode_json( $response->content) if $response->is_success;
+ die("HTTP error") unless $response->is_success;
+ if ( $data->{'response'} eq "ok" )
+ {
+ $session = $data->{'session'};
+ $auth_key = $data->{'auth_key'};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "Unable to log in to Hermes API\n";
+ exit;
+ }
+ undef $data; undef $response;
+sub logout
+ my $response = $g_ua->post( $config->api_url . "/auth/logout",
+ [ "session" => $session ] );
+ die("HTTP error") unless $response->is_success;
+ undef $session; undef $auth_key;