+// Simple SPI MASTER example
+// Counts number of presses on a button connected to D2 (PD2),
+// and sends the count and the count+100 over SPI.
+// Uses a mix of Arduino and plain AVR code,
+// but does not use the Arduino SPI library.
+long int count=1;
+void setup()
+ Serial.begin(115200);
+ Serial.println("Hello from MASTER")
+ // Declare pushbutton as input using the Arduino-way ;)
+ pinMode(2, INPUT);
+ // Set SCK, MOSI and SS as OUTPUTS using the AVR-way ;)
+ DDRB |= (1<<PB5)|(1<<PB3)|(1<<PB2);
+ // Enable SPI, MASTER mode, Fosc/64
+ SPCR = (1<<SPE)|(1<<MSTR)|(1<<SPR1);
+ // Make sure SS is pulled HIGH
+ spi_ss_end();
+void loop()
+ // Loop with no action until button-pressed is
+ // detected
+ if (digitalRead(2)==HIGH)
+ {
+ // Wait for button to go back to "idle"
+ while (digitalRead(2)==HIGH) {}
+ count=count+1; // Increment count
+ Serial.print("Count: ");
+ Serial.println(count, DEC);
+ spi_ss_start(); // Set /CS (SS) LOW for transmission
+ spi_rw(count); // Send current count
+ spi_rw(count+100); // and a +100 version ;)
+ spi_ss_end(); // Re-set /CS (SS) HIGH after transmission
+ }
+// Using SS as outgoing /CS pin
+void spi_ss_start()
+ PORTB &= ~(1<<PB2); // Set SS low using AVR logic ;)
+void spi_ss_end()
+ PORTB |= (1<<PB2); // Set SS high using AVR logic ;)
+uint8_t spi_rw( uint8_t d )
+ SPDR = d; // Start the transmission
+ while (!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF))); // Wait for transmission to complete
+ return SPDR; // Return the resulting register content