]> git.defcon.no Git - test-repo/blob - lotto.pl
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[test-repo] / lotto.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 # A quick-hack solution for checking coupons for the Norwegian LOTTO.
3 # This code is not hapered by copyright, it was released into
4 # the public domain by Jon Langseth (jon dot langseth at lilug dot no) in 2009.
5 #
6 # Sample result of execution is screenshotted at
7 # http://defcon.no/files/lotto.pl.png
8 #
9 # File formats;
10 # Common for both files:
11 # Numbers below 10 may be zero-padded,
12 # Whitespace is matched and filtered using \s+, so any number of
13 # non-line-terminating whitespace can be used to separate numbers.
14 #
15 # File format, results, remove leading "# ". File consists of _two_ lines:
16 #
17 # 1 5 9 16 25 26 31
18 # 4 32 34
19 #
20 # The fist line is the main result numbers, the second is the extra numbers.
21 #
22 # File format, coupon(s), remove leading "# ". The file consists of coupon
23 # rows, one row per line, numbers separated by whitespace, seven numbers to a
24 # row,
25 #
26 # 8 10 19 20 21 28 30
27 # 3 8 15 16 18 19 33
28 # 7 11 21 22 23 28 34
29 # 6 16 18 25 26 31 32
30 # 2 3 11 16 21 22 27
31 # 1 8 12 16 21 22 23
32 # 2 9 16 21 23 26 34
33 # 2 3 4 7 10 27 30
34 # 11 16 19 20 21 29 32
35 # 5 16 22 24 28 30 34
36 #
38 use strict;
40 sub errr {
41 print "Syntax: " . $0 . " kupong.txt resultat.txt\n";
42 print " kupong.txt inneholder lottokupong med siffere \n";
43 print " skilt av mellom, en rekke per linje, \n";
44 print " resultat.txt inneholder en linje med resultatets\n";
45 print " hovedtall, og en linje med tilleggstall\n";
46 print " # på start av linje er kommentar i begge filer.\n";
47 exit(1);
48 }
50 # Check that two arguments are passed.
51 if ( $#ARGV < 1 ) {
52 &errr;
53 }
54 my $coupon = $ARGV[0];
55 my $result = $ARGV[1];
56 my $tmp;
57 my $count = 0;
58 my @mains;
59 my @extras;
61 # Check for the existance of the files given as arguments.
62 # I do not check for readable, as this will be handled by a failure to open later :P
63 &errr if ( not -f $coupon );
64 &errr if ( not -f $result );
66 # Read the results file
67 open( IN, "<" . $result ) or &errr;
69 # First, the main numbers. The norwegian standard LOTTO has seven main numbers.
70 # Note that I do not actually check that the array has seven, only seven, entries..
71 # Yeah, I could have done a sub of the text-sanitation, as it is used three times.
72 # But, as a do not like to fiddle with array-referencing, inline is the simplest.
73 $tmp = <IN>;
74 chomp $tmp;
75 if ( $tmp =~ m/\d{1,2}\s+\d{1,2}\s+\d{1,2}\s+\d{1,2}\s+\d{1,2}\s+\d{1,2}\s+\d{1,2}/ ) {
76 $tmp =~ s/^\s+//g;
77 $tmp =~ s/\s+/:/g;
78 $tmp =~ s/0(\d)/$1/g;
79 @mains = split ( ":", $tmp);
80 } else {
81 &errr;
82 }
83 # Next line of the result file contains the extra numbers (bonus numbers/additionals)
84 # In the Norwegian LOTTO there are three such numbers.
85 # Note that I do not actually check that the array has three, only three, entries..
86 $tmp = <IN>;
87 chomp $tmp;
88 if ( $tmp =~ m/\d{1,2}\s+\d{1,2}\s+\d{1,2}/ ) {
89 $tmp =~ s/^\s+//g;
90 $tmp =~ s/\s+/:/g;
91 $tmp =~ s/0(\d)/$1/g;
92 @extras = split ( ":", $tmp);
93 } else {
94 &errr;
95 }
96 close(IN);
98 open( IN, "<" . $coupon ) or &errr;
100 print "\n .-------------------------+---------+-------------.\n";
102 # Read teh coupon file, line by line.
103 while (<IN>) {
104 next if m/^#/;
105 # The Norwegian LOTTO uses seven numbers per sequence, ten sequences to a row.
106 # I do not check for additional numbers above seven, and yes, that is a weakness.
107 # I hope the user is sane enough to not feed stupidness...
108 next if not m/\d{1,2}\s+\d{1,2}\s+\d{1,2}\s+\d{1,2}\s+\d{1,2}\s+\d{1,2}\s+\d{1,2}/;
110 # Again, the text-sanitation. This is the last time.
111 chomp $_;
112 $_ =~ s/^\s+//g;
113 $_ =~ s/\s+/:/g;
114 $_ =~ s/0(\d)/$1/g;
115 my @row = split ( ":");
117 my $mres = 0;
118 my $mext = 0;
119 # Ten rows to a coupon in the Norwegian LOTTO....
120 if ( $count > 9 ) {
121 print " |-------------------------+---------+-------------|\n";
122 $count = 0;
123 }
124 print " | ";
125 foreach my $num ( @row ) {
126 # Dirty, slow, but good enough, and a simple solution:
127 # Step through all the main numbers, checking for a match,
128 # and set a color + increment the main result or extras result
129 # accordingly. The "last" statements may speed things a litte :P
130 # This is not a robust mechanism, but as long as we are given
131 # other data than garbage as input, we should be safe..
132 foreach my $m ( @mains) {
133 if ( $num == $m ) { print "\e[31m"; $mres++; last; }
134 }
135 foreach my $m ( @extras) {
136 if ( $num == $m ) { print "\e[34m"; $mext++; last; }
137 }
139 # Prettyprint the current number..
140 if ( $num < 10 ) { print "0"; }
141 print $num . " \e[0m";
143 }
144 print " | \e[33m $mres + $mext \e[0m | ";
146 # This is the price weighting of the norwegian LOTTO.
147 # $mres is the main result, $mext is the extras result.
148 # 7 main numbers..
149 if ( $mres == 7 ) { print "\e[1m 1. premie! |"; }
150 # 6 main numbers, plus one extra number
151 elsif ( ( $mres == 6 ) && ( $mext > 0 ) ) { print "\e[1m 2. premie! |"; }
152 # 6 main numbers, no extras
153 elsif ( ( $mres == 6 ) && ( $mext == 0 ) ) { print "\e[1m 3. premie |"; }
154 # 5 main numbers, no extras
155 elsif ( ( $mres == 5 ) && ( $mext == 0 ) ) { print "\e[0m 4. premie |"; }
156 # 4 main numbers, plus one or more extra numbers
157 elsif ( ( $mres == 4 ) && ( $mext > 0 ) ) { print "\e[0m 5. premie |"; }
158 # less than four correct numbers, no price....
159 else { print " |"; }
161 print "\e[0m\n";
162 $count++;
163 }
164 close(IN);
165 print " '-------------------------+---------+-------------'\n\n";