#include #include #define MAX_INPUTS 8 // --------------- ADC related stuffs.... -------------------- struct input_cal_t // Struct type for input calibration values { int min[MAX_INPUTS]; int max[MAX_INPUTS]; int center[MAX_INPUTS]; } ; input_cal_t input_cal; struct model_t { int channels; // How many channels should PPM generate for this model ... float stick[8]; // The (potentially recalc'ed) value of stick/input channel. int raw[8]; boolean rev[8]; int dr[8]; // The Dual-rate array uses magic numbers :P /* dr[0] = Input channel #1 of 2 for D/R switch #1. 0 means off, 1-4 valid values. dr[1] = Input channel #2 of 2 for D/R switch #1. 0 means off, 1-4 valid values. dr[2] = Input channel #1 of 2 for D/R switch #2. 0 means off, 1-4 valid values. dr[3] = Input channel #2 of 2 for D/R switch #2. 0 means off, 1-4 valid values. dr[4] = D/R value for switch # 1 LOW(off). Value -100 to 100 in steps of 5. dr[5] = D/R value for switch # 1 HIGH(on). Value -100 to 100 in steps of 5. dr[6] = D/R value for switch # 1 LOW(off). Value -100 to 100 in steps of 5. dr[7] = D/R value for switch # 1 HIGH(on). Value -100 to 100 in steps of 5. */ }; volatile model_t model; // ----------------- Display related stuffs -------------------- LiquidCrystal lcd( 12, 11, 10, 6, 7, 8, 9); // Parameters are: rs, rw, enable, d4, d5, d6, d7 pin numbers. // ----------------- PPM related stuffs ------------------------ // The PPM generation is handled by Timer0 interrupts, and needs // all modifiable variables to be global and volatile... //int max_channels = 6; // How many channels should PPM generate ... // Moved to model_t struct... volatile long sum = 0; // Frame-time spent so far volatile int cchannel = 0; // Current channnel volatile bool do_channel = true; // Is next operation a channel or a separator // All time values in usecs // TODO: // The timing here (and/or in the ISR) needs to be tweaked to provide valid // RC PPM signals accepted by standard RC RX'es and the Microcopter... #define framelength 21000 // Max length of frame #define seplength 300 // Lenght of a channel separator #define chmax 1550 // Max lenght of channel pulse #define chmin 620 // Min length of channel #define chwidht (chmax - chmin)// Useable time of channel pulse // ----------------- Menu/IU related stuffs -------------------- // Keys/buttons/switches for UI use, including dual-rate/expo // are digital inputs connected to a 4051 multiplexer, giving // 8 inputs on a single input pin. #define KEY_UP 0 #define KEY_DOWN 1 #define KEY_RIGHT 2 #define KEY_LEFT 3 #define KEY_INC 4 #define KEY_DEC 5 #define KEY_DR1 6 #define KEY_DR2 7 // Voltage sense pin is connected to a 1/3'd voltage divider. #define BATTERY_CONV (10 * 3 * (5.0f/1024.0f)) #define BATTERY_LOW 92 enum { VALUES, BATTERY, TIMER, MENU } displaystate; enum { TOP, INVERTS, DUALRATES, EXPOS, // Some radios have "drawn curves", i.e. loopup tables stored in external EEPROM ... DEBUG, SAVE } menu_mainstate; int menu_substate; boolean keys[8]; boolean prev_keys[8]; int battery_val; // The display/UI is handled only when more // than UI_INTERVAL milliecs has passed since last... #define UI_INTERVAL 250 unsigned long last = 0; struct clock_timer_t { unsigned long start; unsigned long init; unsigned long value; boolean running; } clock_timer; // ----------------- DEBUG-STUFF -------------------- unsigned long prev_loop_time; unsigned long avg_loop_time; unsigned long t; // ---------- CODE! ----------------------------------- // ---------- Arduino SETUP code ---------------------- void setup(){ pinMode(13, OUTPUT); // led pinMode(2, OUTPUT); // s0 pinMode(3, OUTPUT); // s1 pinMode(4, OUTPUT); // s2 pinMode(5, OUTPUT); // e lcd.begin(16,2); lcd.print("Starting...."); Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("Starting...."); delay(500); read_settings(); pinMode(A5, OUTPUT); // PPM output pin do_channel = false; set_timer( seplength ); Timer1.initialize(framelength); Timer1.attachInterrupt(ISR_timer); displaystate = VALUES; // Arduino believes all pins on Port C are Analog. // In reality they are tri-purpose; ADC, Digital, Digital Interrupts // Unfortunately the interrupt mode is unusable in this scenario, but digital I/O works :P pinMode(A2, INPUT); digitalWrite(A2, HIGH); scan_keys(); if ( !keys[KEY_UP]) calibrate(); // Debugging: how long does the main loop take on avg... t = micros(); avg_loop_time = t; prev_loop_time = t; // Setting this here to be sure I do not forget to init' it.... // These initializations should be done by read_settings from eeprom, // and this "default model values" should probably be moved // out to a section of read_settings when handling "new model", or // to a separate model_defaults function... model.channels = 6; model.rev[0] = model.rev[1] = model.rev[2] = model.rev[3] = model.rev[4] = model.rev[5] = model.rev[6] = model.rev[7] = false; model.dr[0] = model.dr[1] = model.dr[2] = model.dr[3] = 0; model.dr[4] = model.dr[5] = model.dr[6] = model.dr[7] = 100; // Initializing the stopwatch timer/clock values... clock_timer = (clock_timer_t){0, 0, 0, false}; } // ---------- Arduino main loop ----------------------- void loop () { // Determine if the UI needs to run... boolean disp; if ( millis() - last > UI_INTERVAL ) { last = millis(); disp = true; } else disp = false; process_inputs(); // Wasting a full I/O pin on battery status monitoring! battery_val = analogRead(1) * BATTERY_CONV; if ( battery_val < BATTERY_LOW ) { digitalWrite(13, 1); // Simulate alarm :P displaystate = BATTERY; } if ( disp ) { ui_handler(); } if ( displaystate != MENU ) { // Debugging: how long does the main loop take on avg, // when not handling the UI... t = micros(); avg_loop_time = ( t - prev_loop_time + avg_loop_time ) / 2; prev_loop_time = t; } // Whoa! Slow down partner! Let everything settle down before proceeding. delay(5); } // ----- Simple support functions used by more complex functions ---- void set_ppm_output( bool state ) { digitalWrite(A5, state); // Hard coded PPM output } void set_timer(long time) { Timer1.detachInterrupt(); Timer1.attachInterrupt(ISR_timer, time); } boolean check_key( int key) { return ( !keys[key] && prev_keys[key] ); } void mplx_select(int pin) { digitalWrite(5, 1); delayMicroseconds(24); digitalWrite(2, bitRead(pin,0)); // Arduino alias for non-modifying bitshift operation digitalWrite(3, bitRead(pin,1)); // us used to extract individual bits from the int (0..7) digitalWrite(4, bitRead(pin,2)); // Select the appropriate input by setting s1,s2,s3 and e digitalWrite(5, 0); // on the 4051 multiplexer. // May need to slow the following read down to be able to // get fully reliable values from the 4051 multiplex. delayMicroseconds(24); } // ----- "Complex" functions follow --------------------------------- void calibrate() { int i, r0, r1, r2, adc_in; int num_calibrations = 200; lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Move controls to"); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("their extremes.."); Serial.print("Calibration. Move all controls to their extremes."); for (i=0; i input_cal.max[i] ) { input_cal.max[i] = adc_in; } delay(10); } } // TODO: WILL need to do center-point calibration after min-max... lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Done calibrating"); Serial.print("Done calibrating"); delay(2000); } void read_settings(void) { // Dummy. Will be modified to read model settings from EEPROM for (int i=0; i<=7; i++) { input_cal.min[i] = 0; input_cal.center[i] = 512; input_cal.max[i] = 1024; } } void write_settings(void) { // Dummy. Not used anywhere. Will be fleshed out to save settings to EEPROM. } void scan_keys ( void ) { int i, r0, r1, r2; boolean key_in; // To get more inputs, another 4051 analog multiplexer is used, // but this time it is used for digital inputs. 8 digital inputs // on one input line, as long as proper debouncing and filtering // is done in hardware :P for (i=0; i<=7; i++) { // To be able to detect that a key has changed state, preserve the previous.. prev_keys[i] = keys[i]; // Select and read input. mplx_select(i); keys[i] = digitalRead(A2); delay(2); } } void process_inputs(void ) { int current_input, adc_in, fact; float min, max; for (current_input=0; current_input= model.channels ) { set_ppm_output( HIGH ); long framesep = framelength - sum; sum = 0; do_channel = false; cchannel = 0; set_timer ( framesep ); return; } if ( do_channel ) { set_ppm_output( HIGH ); // New format on stick values // model.stick contains percentages, -100% to 100% in float. To make the timer-handling // here as simple as possible. We want to calc the channel value as a "ratio-value", // a float in the range 0..1.0. So, by moving the lower bound to 0, then cutting the // range in half, and finally dividing by 100, we should get the ratio value. // Some loss of presicion occurs, perhaps the algo' should be reconsidered :P long next_timer = (( chwidht * ((model.stick[cchannel]+100)/200) ) + chmin); // Do sanity-check of next_timer compared to chmax ... while ( chmax < next_timer ) next_timer--; while ( next_timer < chmin ) next_timer++; sum += next_timer; // Done with channel separator and value, // prepare for next channel... cchannel++; do_channel = false; set_timer ( next_timer ); return; } } void serial_debug() { int current_input; for (current_input=0; current_input<=7; current_input++) { Serial.print("Input #"); Serial.print(current_input); Serial.print(" pct: "); Serial.print(model.stick[current_input]); Serial.print(" raw value: "); Serial.print(model.raw[current_input]); Serial.print(" min: "); Serial.print(input_cal.min[current_input]); Serial.print(" max: "); Serial.print(input_cal.max[current_input]); Serial.println(); } Serial.print("Battery level is: "); Serial.println(battery_val); Serial.print("Average loop time:"); Serial.println(avg_loop_time); Serial.println(); } void dr_inputselect( int no, int in ) { if ( model.dr[menu_substate] < 0 ) model.dr[menu_substate] = 4; if ( model.dr[menu_substate] > 4 ) model.dr[menu_substate] = 0; lcd.setCursor(0 , 0); lcd.print("D/R switch "); lcd.print( no + 1 ); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(0 , 1); lcd.print("Input "); lcd.print(in+1); lcd.print(": "); if ( ! model.dr[menu_substate] ) lcd.print("Off"); else lcd.print(model.dr[menu_substate]); if ( check_key(KEY_INC) ) { model.dr[menu_substate]++; return; } else if ( check_key(KEY_DEC) ) { model.dr[menu_substate]--; return; } // Wrap around. return; } void dr_value() { int pos; int state; if ( menu_substate == 4) state = keys[KEY_DR1]; else state = keys[KEY_DR2]; pos = 4 + (menu_substate - 4) * 2; if (state) pos++; lcd.setCursor(0 , 0); lcd.print("D/R switch "); lcd.print( menu_substate - 3 ); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(0 , 1); lcd.print( state ? "HI" : "LO" ); lcd.print(" Value :"); lcd.print( model.dr[pos] ); if ( !keys[KEY_INC] ) { if ( model.dr[pos] < 100) model.dr[pos] += 5; return; } else if ( !keys[KEY_DEC] ) { if ( model.dr[pos] > -100) model.dr[pos] -= 5; return; } return; } void ui_handler() { int row; int col; scan_keys(); if ( displaystate != MENU ) { menu_substate = 0; if ( check_key(KEY_UP) && displaystate == VALUES ) { displaystate = BATTERY; return; } else if ( check_key(KEY_UP) && displaystate == BATTERY ) { displaystate = TIMER; return; } else if ( check_key(KEY_UP) && displaystate == TIMER ) { displaystate = VALUES; return; } else if ( check_key(KEY_DOWN) ) { displaystate = MENU; return; } } digitalWrite(13, digitalRead(13) ^ 1 ); switch ( displaystate ) { case VALUES: int current_input; for (current_input=0; current_input<=7; current_input++) { // In channel value display, do a simple calc // of the LCD row & column location. With 8 channels // we can fit eight channels as percentage values on // a simple 16x2 display... if ( current_input < 4 ) { col = current_input * 4; row = 0; } else { col = (current_input-4) * 4; row = 1; } // Overwriting the needed positions with // blanks cause less display-flicker than // actually clearing the display... lcd.setCursor(col, row); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(col, row); // Display uses percents, while PPM uses ratio.... // New format on stick values lcd.print( (int)model.stick[current_input] ); } break; case BATTERY: lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Battery level: "); lcd.setCursor(0 , 1); lcd.print( (float)battery_val/10); lcd.print("V"); if ( battery_val < BATTERY_LOW ) lcd.print(" - WARNING"); else lcd.print(" - OK"); break; case TIMER: unsigned long delta; int hours; int minutes; int seconds; lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Timer: "); lcd.print( clock_timer.running ? "Running" : "Stopped" ); lcd.setCursor(5 , 1); if ( clock_timer.running ) { clock_timer.value = millis() - (clock_timer.start + clock_timer.init); } hours = ( clock_timer.value / 1000 ) / 3600; clock_timer.value = clock_timer.value % 3600000; minutes = ( clock_timer.value / 1000 ) / 60; seconds = ( clock_timer.value / 1000 ) % 60; if ( hours ) { lcd.print(hours); lcd.print(":"); } if ( minutes < 10 ) lcd.print("0"); lcd.print( minutes ); lcd.print(":"); if ( seconds < 10 ) lcd.print("0"); lcd.print( seconds ); if ( check_key(KEY_INC) ) { if ( !clock_timer.running && !clock_timer.start ) { clock_timer.start = millis(); clock_timer.value = 0; clock_timer.running = true; } else if ( !clock_timer.running && clock_timer.start ) { clock_timer.start = millis() - clock_timer.value; clock_timer.running = true; } else if ( clock_timer.running ) { clock_timer.running = false; } return; } else if ( check_key(KEY_DEC) ) { if ( !clock_timer.running && clock_timer.start ) { clock_timer.value = 0; clock_timer.start = 0; clock_timer.init = 0; } return; } break; case MENU: lcd.clear(); switch ( menu_mainstate ) { case TOP: lcd.print("In MENU mode!"); lcd.setCursor(0 , 1); lcd.print("Esc UP. Scrl DN."); menu_substate = 0; if ( check_key(KEY_UP) ) { displaystate = VALUES; return; } else if ( check_key(KEY_DOWN) ) { menu_mainstate = INVERTS; return; } break; case INVERTS: if ( menu_substate >= model.channels ) menu_substate = 0; if ( menu_substate < 0) menu_substate = (model.channels - 1); lcd.print("Channel invert"); lcd.setCursor(0 , 1); lcd.print("Ch "); lcd.print(menu_substate+1); lcd.print( (model.rev[menu_substate] ? ": Invert" : ": Normal")); if ( check_key(KEY_UP) ) { menu_mainstate = TOP; return; } else if ( check_key(KEY_DOWN) ) { menu_mainstate = DUALRATES; return; } if ( check_key(KEY_RIGHT) ) { menu_substate++; return; } else if ( check_key(KEY_LEFT) ) { menu_substate--; return; } else if ( check_key(KEY_INC) || check_key(KEY_DEC) ) { model.rev[menu_substate] ^= 1; return; } break; case DUALRATES: if ( menu_substate > 5 ) menu_substate = 0; if ( menu_substate < 0) menu_substate = 5; if ( check_key(KEY_UP) ) { menu_mainstate = INVERTS; return; } if ( check_key(KEY_DOWN) ) { menu_mainstate = EXPOS; return; } if ( check_key(KEY_RIGHT) ) { menu_substate++; return; } else if ( check_key(KEY_LEFT) ) { menu_substate--; return; } switch (menu_substate) { case 0: dr_inputselect(0, 0); return; case 1: dr_inputselect(0, 1); return; case 2: dr_inputselect(1, 0); return; case 3: dr_inputselect(1, 1); return; case 4: case 5: dr_value(); return; default: menu_substate = 0; break; } break; case EXPOS: //________________ lcd.print("Input expo curve"); lcd.setCursor(0 , 1); lcd.print("Not implemented"); // Possible, if input values are mapped to +/- 100 rather than 0..1 .. // plot ( x*(1 - 1.0*cos (x/(20*PI)) )) 0 to 100 // Run in wolfram to see result, adjust the 1.0 factor to inc/red effect. // Problem: -100 to 100 is terribly bad presicion, esp. considering that // the values started as 0...1024, and we have 1000usec to "spend" on channels. if ( check_key(KEY_UP ) ) { menu_mainstate = DUALRATES; return; } if ( check_key(KEY_DOWN ) ) { menu_mainstate = DEBUG; return; } break; case DEBUG: lcd.setCursor(0 , 0); lcd.print("Dumping debug to"); lcd.setCursor(0 , 1); lcd.print("serial port 0"); serial_debug(); if ( check_key(KEY_UP ) ) { // FIXME: Remember to update the "Scroll up" state! menu_mainstate = EXPOS; return; } else if ( check_key(KEY_DOWN ) ) { menu_mainstate = SAVE; return; } break; default: lcd.print("Not implemented"); lcd.setCursor(0 , 1); lcd.print("Press DOWN..."); if ( check_key(KEY_DOWN ) ) menu_mainstate = TOP; } break; default: // Invalid return; } return; }