Configurator 0 0 561 238 HM-TRP Configurator 10 10 541 201 Serial port Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Device info: QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Sunken Current UART rate false Qt::NoFocus true false Qt::NoFocus true Device type Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Connect and read false Set device to defaults false Write to device Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 QLayout::SetDefaultConstraint Operating frequency 120 0 UART data rate 120 0 true Air data rate 120 0 true kHz bps bps QLayout::SetDefaultConstraint Recieving bandwidth 120 0 true Frequency deviation 120 0 true Power Level 120 0 true kHz kHz dBm Qt::Horizontal 40 20 serialPort readButton frequency uartRate airRate recvBandwidth freqDeviation powerLevel defaultsButton writeButton devType curRate