Returns 'ok' on success.
+ user/available?username=foo&domain=bar
+ user/available?
+ Tests an address to see if it is available.
+ Returns 'ok' with 'cause' = 'nonexistant' if the address is available.
+ Returns 'failed' with 'cause' = 'exists' if the address is in use.
- Test-node, generates a random password on the same form as that used by
- user/add_local. May be used with the to-be-implemented change_pw node.
+ Generates a random password on the same form as that used by
+ user/add_local.
+ Return is always a password in plain text, with no formatting.
TODO list:
+Add a node to test a destination (pre-flight testing of user/add and alias/add)
+Read list of kamailio domains (domains/list ?) RW?
+Default server-settings for domains (domains/server ? ) (registrar, proxy, ports...) RW.
+Permissions! (user/permissions?user=...)
authentication-mechanism :)
- Add collision prevention for users, make sure that no user can be added when the user
- address would overlap/collide with a valid alias-address
Change all GET to POST
Implement test-tool for POST-based communication ;)