1 ; rf1.asm - Read File experiment #1
2 ; ASM dialect is for crasm/z80, producing Intel HEX.
4 ; Attempting to understand file read operations on CP/M2
6 ; http://www.cpm.z80.de/manuals/archive/cpm22htm/ch5.htm
7 ; The default FCB can be used, it's location is at 05CH
8 ; The default DMA buffer can be used, it's located at 080H
9 ; When CCP jumps to 0100H, it's already taken the two
10 ; first parameters to the command, and placed them in
11 ; the default FCB area. More on this later in the code
12 ; CCP has also placed the parameter string in the default
13 ; DMA buffer area (080H). Not used in this experiment.
15 ; crasm macros.. Z80 CPU type, iHEX output, readable listing pages, listing-toggles..
24 ; BDOS call constants..
25 conout EQU 2 ; Console output, put 1 char from E to Console
26 strout EQU 9 ; String output, place string at (DE) terminated by $ to Console
27 openf EQU 15 ; Open file, using the FCB at address (DE)
28 reads EQU 20 ; Read sequential, get next DMABUF from file at FCB in (DE)
29 closef EQU 16 ; Close file, using hte FCB at (DE)
30 bdos EQU 5 ; Call jump-address for all BDOS calls.
32 ; Standard location constants..
33 sfcb EQU 0x5c ; The Standard/default FCB
34 fcbcr EQU sfcb+32 ; The CR field of the FCB
35 sdma EQU 0x80 ; The Standard/default DMA Buffer
37 ; Other fun constants...
38 eof EQU 0x1a ; CP/M EOF character, 0x1Ah/26d
40 ; Origin at TPA Start, 0x100
43 ; Start by printing out the filename currently in the default FCB.
44 ; CCP will take 'command file.sfx file1.sfx" and fill the default
45 ; FCB appropriately for file.sfx, plus the needed content for a
46 ; second FCB started at 0x6c (default fcb + 10h)
47 ; The Drive index is the first byte, and the filename is 8+3 bytes
48 LD HL, sfcb + 1 ; Load HL with address of Standard FCB + 1
49 LD D, 8+3 ; Prepare a counter for 8+3 characters for a full filename
50 START LD E, (HL) ; Load content of address in HL into E
51 LD C, conout ; Prepare a Console Character Out BDOS call
52 PUSH HL ; BDOS call clobbers HL, push to stack
53 CALL bdos ; Go to BDOS for conout call
54 POP HL ; Restore HL after BDOS call
56 DEC D ; .. until all needed characters..
60 ; To open file for sequential access, the 'cr' field of the FCB needs
62 LD HL, fcbcr ; Set the HL register pair to the CR field address
63 LD (HL), 0 ; Set to zero
65 LD DE, sfcb ; Prepare DE with address of FCB
66 LD C, openf ; Set up for Open File BDOS call
69 CP 255 ; Compare A register to check for error
70 JR Z, ERROPF ; If Zero set, A == 255, and we have an error
73 LD DE, okmsg ; Compare did not set Zero flag, so we can
74 LD C, strout ; use String Output to say that the file is opened
78 RREC LD DE, sfcb ; Load DE with address of FCB
79 LD C, reads ; and perform a sequential file read
80 CALL bdos ; BDOS will look at the FCB and retrieve the appropriate block
82 CP 0 ; Check for errors on read. If we see anything other than
83 JR NZ, ERRRDD ; a zero, we have something wonky on the read.
84 ; --- DMA buffer now contains 128 bytes from file
86 ; --- Fluff of code to read through file
87 LD D, 128 ; Prepare for counting through 128 bytes record...
88 LD HL, sdma ; Using the HL as a pointer to positions on DMA buffer
89 PRTBYTE LD E, (HL) ; Load content of address in HL into E
91 ; This bit works for text, will be wonky if the file is binary
92 ; But, it seems that if a record is not full, it's supposed to get
93 ; filled with EOF characters until end...
94 LD A, eof ; Check for EOF character
95 CP E ; If cound, we're at the end of file
96 JR Z, DONE ; .. so jump to done
98 LD C, conout ; Prepare a Console Character Out BDOS call
99 PUSH HL ; BDOS call clobbers HL, push to stack
100 CALL bdos ; Go to BDOS for conout call
101 POP HL ; Restore HL after BDOS call
103 DEC D ; .. until all needed characters..
106 ; If we've gotten here, we have completed one 128 byte set, and
107 ; haven't seen any EOF characters yet. So, try to get a new one.
108 JP RREC ; Jump to read next record from file.
111 DONE LD DE, donemsg ; Do a quick status at the end of completion...
114 JP 0 ; Do a jump to BOOT, causing a boot to CCP
123 JP 0 ; Do a jump to BOOT, causing a boot to CCP
125 erropn ASC "\r\n---> ERROR opening file\r\n$"
126 errrd ASC "\r\n---> ERROR reading file\r\n$"
127 okmsg ASC "\r\n---> Opened file\r\n$"
128 donemsg ASC "\r\n---> Completed reading file.\r\n$"